The Rob Taylor Report radio show Permanently Canceled

Dear Friends and Patriots,

 It took two cheesy State Reps, one rat bastard of a Senator, and a Californian Democrat Billionaire to get the owner of BiCoastal Media to cancel the Rob Taylor Report.

Republican State Reps Court Boice, Virgle Osbourn, and Senator David Brock Smith sent emails to the owner of BiCoastal Media, Mike Wilson, complaining about the interview I had with David Brock Smith on November 20th.  Then at the behest of DBS, his top Democrat campaign contributor from San Francisco California, Thomas “Tim” Tuttle, called Mike Wilson and demanded that he do something about my radio show or he was going to file a defamation lawsuit against the station.  

All the information that was presented on the show came from public sources and therefore is not in any way shape or form defaming. Unfortunately, a wealthy person can drag a court case out for years using the appeals process costing a defendant tens of thousands of dollars on attorney fees.  It is lawfare and the same tactic used by the commie Democrats who are going after former President Donald Trump. 

It is victory by legal attrition.    

In a meeting with Mike Wilson on December 1st, he admonished me for the interview with Smith saying that it was bad radio, which is a matter of opinion.  Then he explained that private citizens were off limits and it was wrong for me to talk about the fact that Tuttle and his wife gave Smith’s PAC $150,000 since 2016. 

Wilson slept on the decision and on December 2nd he decided to cancel the contract for the show.  It is understandable why he would come to that conclusion instead of going through a costly and time-consuming process of protecting the show.  He owns many radio stations in the Northwest and the Rob Taylor Report is just one small part of that much larger conglomerate. 

However, it was disappointing that he did not go by the example set by Elon Musk and tell these crybabies to go fuck themselves.  

There has been an overwhelming amount of support from listeners and supporters.  It was incredibly amazing and heartwarming to find I had so many friends who were deeply concerned about this awful situation.

However, not only does this mean I will not have a voice on KWRO, it means that everyone who had a local issue will not have this venue to voice their opinion. Local radio shows are dying out and being replaced by nationally syndicated shows that do not cover the local issues happening here in our county and the surrounding area. 

It is a sad loss for everyone concerned.

I am asking people not to boycott BiCoastal because it would only hurt the local stations and all the wonderful people who work for Mike Wilson.  The employees of the station were my friends and it is not their fault some butt-hurt politicians and a bully billionaire used their authority and money to intimidate the owner into submission.  

I would encourage all of you to send Mike Wilson an email and let him know what you think of his decision and tell him what the show meant to you.  His email is

The people you should be mad at are the so-called Republican politicians who flexed their political muscle to cancel a radio show host for his opinion.   These are the same people who claim they believe in the First Amendment and complain when cancel culture goes after the things they care about.  They are two-faced hypocrites who need to be primaried in the next election because they do not give a damn about you.  Worst of all, these are the tactics of Antifa or Black Lives Matter.

You should be damn angry that your Republican Senator David Brock Smith and his toady, Representatives Court Boice, took money from a Californian Democrat. 

They should be ashamed of themselves.  

Who are they working for in the legislature?  

You should also be very angry that Senator Smith lied about HB3375 and claimed it stalled the wind turbine project started by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management when the bill lays out a road map to facilitate the process.  

Otherwise, the commie Democrats who support wind energy would not have voted for the bill and the eight most conservative Senators would not have voted against it.  Smith is a phony and he thinks his constituents are stupid because most of them will not read the bill to see for themselves.  It was his job to protect their interests because they were all working at their jobs for long hours to pay his salary.   

DBS claims he votes with his Republican colleagues 70% of the time, which means he votes with the commie Democrats the other 30%.  The people deserve better than a C- effort to protect their rights and money. 

Please do your research on these issues and come to your own conclusions, but do not fall for the propaganda the Republicans are trying to play on the people.  

Then you might want to send an email or call State Reps Boice and Osbourn and State Senator David Brock Smith and let them know what you think of them and their actions. 

It is the best thing you can do to help.  Then in the next election please do not vote for these globalist RINOs because the people of southern Oregon deserve better representation. YOU deserve better.

Representative Court Boice

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1401


Representative Virgle Osbourn

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1402

Senator David Brock Smith

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701

As for me, I am going to start a podcast on New Year's Day.  It is not set up yet and I do not have any details, but it is going to happen and I hope all of you will join me.

These RINOs and commie Democrats should be worried for their political careers.  I am unleashed and I do not have to answer to any sponsors or the owners of any radio stations, which puts these bought and paid-for whores right in the center of my political crosshairs. 

They should be afraid, very afraid because I will utilize every legal means and nonviolent tactic to take them down.  

Please give people my website Rob Taylor Report and ask them to sign up for my newsletter, so they will be informed and know when to tune in. 

I have always said I am an activist first and, a radio show host second. You will see me working on political issues as they arise, which is another good reason to have people sign up for my newsletter. 

Until next time, carry on Coos County carry on.    

I know I will…

Sincerely, Rob Taylor

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