Kathleen & Brian Melonakos on Making an Informed Medical Choice 5:08PM Monday February 07, 2022, on KWRO

Kathleen (author, retired R.N.) and Brian Melonakos (former Company President) became saved in the early 2000s. They are active in both evangelism and political activism. Their program seeks to educate and activate Christians at the grassroots level, helping them to live out their responsibility to influence government and civic affairs for good. It has never been more evident than in the year 2020 that spiritual wars are manifesting in the governmental arena and throughout our culture. History has clearly shown that Christ is required to overcome the natural tendency of powerful forces to destroy God-given rights, including the right to hear and speak His truth.

What Your Doctor Should Tell You but Probably Doesn’t

New Book Gives You What You need to make an Informed Choice

  • Informed consent is firmly based on long-established principles of medical ethics and law

  • If a product has DEATH or severe injury as a potential side effect, it cannot be mandated.

  • It is against the law to coerce ANY medical intervention, contrary to the media or government “mandates”

Does your doctor know the information in this readable, succinct book?

Vaccines are actually powerful drugs. They are designed to shock the body into eliciting an immune response. Under pharmaceutical industry influence, doctors are taught little about vaccines in medical school. According to polls, surveys, medical school textbooks and personal inquiries I have made, doctors and nurses often receive as little as a two-hour training on vaccines. They are taught the CDC schedule, that vaccines save lives, and that children must now receive 72 doses of vaccines by the time they are 18 years old (it was 5 doses in 1960’s). And now adults and children are being pressured or forced by employers and others to take experimental mRNA injections repeatedly and become vaccine-dependent, even though most doctors know little about it except “the CDC recommends it.”

New book provides information about:

  • ingredients in vaccines

  • mortality and morbidity rates of childhood diseases

  • injury rates according to Harvard studies and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

  • the results of control group studies of the vaccinated vs unvaccinated (independent researchers are doing studies the CDC refuses to do)

  • studies linking vaccines to SIDS, auto-immune diseases, cancer, seizures, paralysis, diabetes, and other illnesses

  • conflicts of interest compromise CDC recommendations

  • what informed consent for the covid-19 injections should look like

  • what happens if you get a vaccine injury?

  • study citations and links to more information

  • questions to ask your doctor

  • a liability form

Why I wrote Risks and Benefits of Vaccines for Informed Choice.