Ann Vandersteel Founder of Steel Truth Discussing Election Integrity 3:08PM Monday April 04, 2022, on KWRO

We are boots on the ground, truth-seeking American women who love our country, we love our God, and by His grace, we go where He leads us. Tune in weeknights at 9PM EST for your daily dose of the Steel Truth!

SteelTruth™ books high-profile guests like General Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne, General McInerney, Judge Jeanine Pirro. Constitutional lawyers like Alan Dershowitz, former Intelligence Community whistleblowers such as Bill Binney, political operatives like Corey Lewandowski, fighters like Joey Gilbert & David Nino Rodriguez, former DEA official Derek Maltz, Juanita Broaddrick, Roseanne Barr and many more!