Coos County Declaration of the People to Annul and Dismiss Oregon Governor’s Arbitrary Sanctions against Commerce, Association and Liberty

A coalition of concerned Coos County citizens are attending the regular meetings of the city councils, Board of Commissioners, and the School Boards to demand that they act to protect the First Amendment, which enumerates the freedom to assemble, the freedom of the press, the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.   

The representatives of Coos County should stand-up against the state’s clear violations of the people’s rights, especially the Right of Commerce.

The people are asking others to sign their petition and attend the meetings.

Please read the declaration before attending the meetings.

The following was submitted for publication:


We the undersigned People of Coos County, Oregon declare:

Billions of people long for the Freedoms historically unique to this freest Nation history has ever seen; a beacon of hope, prosperity and free expression, The United States of America.

The American Dream is axiomatic with its promise of Liberty to pursue Happiness, Prosperity and Equal Justice under the Law: unalienable Rights bestowed by God and enshrined in the Bill of Rights, which applies equally to all Americans.

The Constitution does not assign the Rights of the People but rather limits the power of the government; because the Individual Right to Liberty is paramount, limiting government to govern at the Will of the People. This is what makes America great; no other republic has ever been established with these guaranteed as its First Principles.

Every American is free to pursue their various interests, within the Law. Their choices regarding speech, meeting, work, health, family, business, religious expression, economics, travel, and recreation are theirs alone; these Rights may not be infringed by government except by legislation and adjudication, or by martial law.

The pursuit of life includes the engaging of trade for small businesses as well as large ones. But when elected officials issue executive edicts to close or to limit certain businesses while allowing others to flourish unrestrained, then citizens throughout society – employers and employees alike – have been

unconstitutionally deprived of their Rights, and denied Equal Protection under the Law. They have been denied the Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness.

We stand together and call on every one of our City Councilors, Mayors, and County Commissioners to join us to instruct Governor Kate Brown that we find her shutdown mandates to be unconstitutional, capricious, unscientific and unsound.

Prudent public servants can see that continuing unconstitutional decrees will inevitably result in a cascade of class-action suits and other legal instruments as citizens seek to remedy lawless mandates of their elected servants, and to do so through corporate action and organization, and without threat of fiduciary penalty from the State who collects our tax monies and redistributes them. Our Right of redress will commence should these trespasses persist.

We proclaim and reserve our right as of 4 December 2020 to reopen and attend our churches, schools, restaurants, halls, and places of business according to Law, and we will not abide her unlawful force of edicts regarding when or how we choose to engage our legal interests.

We will exercise our Liberties: to allow our patrons and employees their own choice whether to mask or not, distance or not, or assemble with their companions. We claim anew our Freedom as Citizens of the United States of America and the State of Oregon, to engage in the Pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness, as is our Constitutional Right.

Return Signature Sheets to:

Rod Taylor 541-404-6825 (call or text, we will pick up)

Sig Sheet:

