Board Quorum ~ Open Letter to the Board of the North Bend School District

Board of Directors, 

As you may well know many in this district are unhappy with the failure of leadership Kevin Bogatin has give us. He is a terrible person to work with, shows no leadership skills, is mean, and does not represent the best interest of our community. He has wasted money constantly, and never takes responsibility for his constant failures. He fails our students and knows nothing about academic leadership. Not to mention that poor child who got a black eye from a bus monitor, and he does nothing to take responsibility or help the behavior on the busses. 

Rumor around the district in town is now that Gleason has quit as of yesterday. That is two open seats. Do not let Bogatin lie to you as he is planning to do, again, and tell you that you cannot act of vote on things without a 4:1 majority. That is a flat out lie! 

A quorum is a majority of board members present needed to vote. In our case that is 4 members need to attend a meeting out of a 7 member board. Even if no one quit the board, if you had a meeting and only 4 members were present you would have a quorum. So you could vote and take action. A 3:1 vote would win. Why would this change if 2 members quit? It would not. He is full of shit! 

There are 5 members left. If you vote and it’s 3:2, you win. That is a quorum so don’t let him try to boss you around and lie to you and tell you that you cannot take action without 4 yes votes. You only need 3. Look at ORS 332.055. Look up How a quorum works. Do some research. It is the affirmative vote of the majority of members of your quorum, defined as at least 4 members present at a meeting. 

Bogatin will lie to you to try to control you like he has the whole time he has been in our district. This must stop and you can now stop him. 

You only need 4 members present to take a vote on anything if you have a 7 member board, since that is a quorum. It is a seven member board, even with vacancies. So you need 4 members present to have a quorum as defined as the majority of board members. If 4 are present, district business continues and 3 votes are needed to take action. 

It is time to take action. Stop Bogatin from ruining this district and making everyone want to quit. I just heard from a confidential employee in the district office that a bunch of people are planning on quitting if he stays because he is so horrible to work with. This includes administrators, teachers, classified, and confidential. 

Don’t let him control you, you are his boss. Please help this district. 


E. Grant